Station Rotation
Why use Rotation?
There are two important reasons why we encourage Junior teams to follow a rotation policy.
Development of the players
Team cohesion and happiness
Development of the players
“Good players need to know the whole pitch” - Johan Cruyff
“The modern game at the top level is lightening quick, so a player needs to be able to react quickly and correctly to the largely unpredictable situations that evolve in front of them. Another aspect of this awareness is the ability to play comfortably and effectively in any part of the field. By contrast all too many British players have been ‘pigeonholed’ early in their careers to play in a set position which severely limits their footballing development. The consequence of this is that many of them become ‘one-eyed’ in terms of their awareness rarely daring to venture into other areas of the field when they do they perform poorly.” - Malcom Cook, Unlocking the Barca Code
The Consequences of a Rotation Policy
Rotation will sometimes mean that you will not have the best players in the position you want to score the most goals and win the most games. Occasionally you will get a lesser result, however the primary aim of junior football is player development not just winning games.
There are some solid developmental reasons to use a rotation policy;
It is recommended by FIFA, NZF and most reputable junior academies
The temptation is to put your best player as striker so they can score goals. However your best player may grow up to be an international defender. Ryan Nelsen was probably the best player in his 9th grade team.
Team cohesion and happiness
Once the reasons for rotation are explained and everyone accepts them then everyone relaxes.
Kids have an acute fairness radar. Rotation is obviously fair to all and you will find they accept it readily.
The parents are then left with one issue to handle, “I hate being in defence” or “I suck at striker”. The explanation is always that everyone needs to take their turn – end of story. This is one of the valuable lessons to be gained from being part of a team.
Another source of unhappiness eliminated by rotation relates to players getting stuck in a position they dislike for the entire season.
In summary rotation gives everyone, both parents and players confidence that everyone is a valued member of the team and will treated fairly. It also ensures that we keep our eye on the primary goal of junior football which is developing well rounded players for no one can know what the future will bring.
How do you Rotate?
If you have 9 players in your squad you have a 9 week rotation, 11 in squad 11 weeks etc. please see the attached spreadsheet.
A couple of tips:
Create an order so that your best player is paired with your weakest . Then second best with second weakest etc. This will ensure you don’t have all your strength in one part of the field.
Don’t play the weeks in sequence. If you do a player may be in defence three weeks in a row. Play week one then week four then week seven etc. until you have been through all sequences.
Choose one position to be the captain each week – striker is good
Start substitutions from the back. That is the first substitutes come on for the right, left or centre backs. When the starting right and center back have finished their time on the side they come on for the right back and the left mid – who come on for center mid and right mid and finally the striker . This is because being striker is a bit of a treat.
If you are rotating the keeper then a complete or half game is easiest to manage
If someone is away take the opportunity to use the week where they are substitute first and don’t use their week as striker.